
Orientation Dashboard

Be sure to Bookmark this page so you can come back at any time. Think of this page like Grand Central Station. You can get to any platform you need for orientation from this page.

Below are the links to each platform you will use during orientation, along with a description, so you know you're making the right selection.
Scroll down to the section corresponding to the stage of training you are currently on, and you will find a button. Just click the button to go to that platform.

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The Link/Learning Center

Your orientation journey begins within The Link Learning Center. The Link is owned and managed by Hunter Douglas/Kirsch and provides a wealth of resources for both during and after orientation.

You are enrolled in the learning curriculum inside the Link Learning Center once you submit the short online form - the one that asks for name, CDI email, phone, etc.

Your Orientation Courses

AFTER you complete the courses inside The Link Learning Center,you will be enrolled inCDI Onboarding & Orientation. Here, you will learn about CDI, how we work with our customers, how we work with the channels (stores) that we represent, and about the tools we use, primarily Salesforce. This is your learning portal for all things specific to CDI. Just click the button below that says "Course Dashboard".

Once you get to the Salesforce modules, you will get a practice Salesforce account (called the Salesforce Sandbox),which is where you will practice as you learn. The link to the Sandbox is in the next section of this page.

Course Dashboard

To get to your course dashboard, just click the button below. If you are not currently signed in, you will need to sign in to access your dashboard.

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Salesforce Sandbox

When you get to the Salesforce training modules, your Salesforce Sandbox account will be set up. This where you will practice what you are learning inside the Salesforce modules. You will practice while you learn, in small, incremental steps, to help you feel comfortable and confident using Salesforce when you are in the field.

Initially, when it's first set up, an activation email will be sent to you from the Salesforce system. After that, you can get to the Salesforce Sandbox anytime by just clicking the button below.

Go to the Salesforce Sandbox